Monday, September 15, 2008


One of the most influential bands in the genre of black metal, Darkthrone obviously needs no introduction. And what could be said about the band that hasnt already?! Although this is not one the albums that they are known for, such as Transylvanian Hunger or Under A Funeral Moon, this one is even more simplistic and primal than some of their previous work...

Sounding a bit like Mayhem's Deathcrush in the guitars at times, there are some really good songs here. According to the Metal Archives site, Fenriz performed the guitars, bass, drums and not to mention wrote all the music on this album. Nocturno Culto performed the vocals. Not their very best moments, but the blackness cannot be denied.. Hail Darkthrone!

Recorded Febuary-April 1994 in Necrohell


01. En Vind Av Sorg
02. Triumphant Gleam
03. The Hordes of Nebulah
04. Hans Siste Vinter
05. Beholding the Throne of Might
06. Quintessence
07. Snø Og Granskog (Utferd)

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